
Botanical name: Triplochiton scleroxylon
Origin: West Africa
Weight: about 400 kg/m3
Moisture Content: 8-12 %
Janka hardness: 270
Modulus of rupture: 30.0 MPa
Bending strength: 560
Modulus of elasticity: 6.69 GPa
Shrinkage: 9,5
Category: Product ID: 1100


This African hardwood is soft and light, but has a good strength and is an incredibly shaping friendly specie. Abachi is light lemon yellow with a silky glow, the color can be darkened over years.

Abachi has a wide range of possible applications, among others moldings, sauna, furniture, joinery and carvings. Abachi does not taint, therefore it can be used for packaging in the food industry.